5 Day Freedom Challenge #1

Download Free "5 Day Freedom Challenge #1   5 Simple Ways to Downsize Expenses".  Choose the ONE that works for you, Do It!  Post your "Freedom Picture" on Instagram or Facebook with the word "DONE" and #retireon2kfreedomchallenge

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Are You Ready to Be Free of Caring for Stuff?

Garage Overwhelm?

Garage Overwhelm?

If you can't reach it or get in to it, you probably don't need it or you might have even more than one of an item!

Set a date, make an appointment for Thrift Store pick up to make you accountable.  Invite a friend who is a minimalist to help.  

You can do it!  Post a Photo with the word DONE and

Do You Need to Purge Your Closet?

Do You Need to Purge Your Closet?

Anything more than 5 years old?

As we age we end up with many outdated or out grown clothing...ouch!

It's time to get into that closet.  If you can't wear it, donate it!  If it is outdated, take it to a vintage clothing shop.
If it's stained or maimed, to the trash it goes!

You can do it! Post a Photo with the word DONE and

Downsize = Freedom!

Don't Surrender to Stuff!<div>Downsize Now!</div>

Don't Surrender to Stuff!

Downsize Now!

If you are ready to enjoy your retirement years and have fun rather than taking care of stuff, please join our Downsizing Freedom Challenge.

Choose just ONE area, JUST ONE...if you try too much you won't do anything!  Choose the easiest area...is it your shoes?  Your coat closet?  How about under the kitchen sink.

Rather than make a "To Do" list, make a "DONE" list, like my friend Susan.  She was overwhelmed by projects and "To Dos".  So every time she finished a project she wrote it on her "Done List" - no "To Do" list in sight and soon all her "To Dos" were "DONE" and she was out having fun!

To give you some ideas, we will send our "Freedom from Stuff" list with 10 ways to downsize.  You can do it!  

Post a Photo with the word DONE and #retireon2kfreedomchallenge

Let Go of Stuff So 
You Can Embrace Life!

Take the 5 Day Freedom Challenge

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