Rise: A Fable About Overcoming Adversity

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A very short story that teaches a lesson about unwavering determination

Very short and easy to read—
"Rise" is a short fable teaching children and adults alike about the power of persistence and the importance of not giving up when things get rough.

Can be used to teach students in schools—
Teachers can use this book to teach and reflect on the value of staying 
focused on your goals, even when things get tough.

Encourages readers to never give up on their goals—
"Rise" was written with the hope that it will be able to help people stay resilient in difficult situations, and to never give up on goals you’ve set.


“Rise” was designed and written to be a self-education tool — we all know we can learn a lot from our own mistakes instead of listening to others for hours on end.

Educational Materials—
“Rise” is also a great educational material for teachers who want to teach their students about overcoming adversity.

RISE to new heights

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