Explore the advantages of standing work

Take a standing desk challenge and change the way you work for better

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What experts are saying about sedentary lifestyle

James A. Levine, MD

James A. Levine, MD

Director of the Mayo Clinic Arizona State University of Obesity Solutions Initative

"Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is a lot more treacherous than parachute jumping"

Dr. Kelly Starett

Dr. Kelly Starett

Co-founder of Mobilitywod.com; coach of top professional athletes

”When we sit for long periods, the muscles in our lower bodies turn off and become inactive. Simultaneously, we automatically adopt positions that don’t utilize the critical muscles and connective tissues that stabilize and support our trunk and spine. The result is compromised body function, and it causes a multitude of common and pernicious orthopedic problems, like back and neck dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, and pelvic floor dysfunction.”

Ready To Take Challenge And Forget About Office Chair?

Damian Bezak

Damian Bezak

Do you have the feeling of being stuck in a chair?

Do you have back pain when working in front of a computer?

Do you only dream about getting away from the chair and stretching your bones? Do you feel depressed and without energy?

If any of these questions is close to you, then you must take a standing desk challenge. You will learn and take action:

- what harm does sitting to you?
- how can you change it?
- what are the advantages of standing work?
- how to safely get up and work standing up?
- why body movement is better for your creativity and productivity?
- you will practice what you learn
- you will get motivated by me in daily emails

Hi, my name's Damian, and I created the challenge and wrote the guide for people like you. If you are here and you read these words you probably are seeking something in your life. I was finding "this" solution for a long time.
Please join the challenge. You will get to know my story later when you join. 
Don't overthink too much. Knowledge without practice is useless. Take action and see what will happen.

If you subscribe to the challenge you will get:

- foundational ebook about shifting from sitting to a standing position 
- DIY workbook about how to build a standing desk yourself
- one page exercises summary
- a daily dose of motivation 

Ready to feel freedom? Take action now!

Join the challenge and receive all the materials and mentoring 

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