
Build your first industrial tool step-by-step and never feel unqualified!

Grab my free e-book, “1 Open-source 3D Printer to Seed 7 Industrial Tools.”

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“As a software developer who wants to change the world, creating real-world products was something I knew nothing about. Thanks to this intro to tool-making, I actually know the first steps to changing the material world around me!”
Sara Bajor
Software Developer
”A big change is that I feel more confident about changing people's lives, and I don't have nearly the amount of self-doubt I used to have.”
Alex Au
Startup Co-founder

fullBuild teaches you to think like an engineer, build a 3d printer, and design real-world objects.

I had never built a real-world object most of my life. I thought because of my software developer background I would never be able to feel confident in creating real-world solutions or design a material product that solves community problems. I didn’t want to waste my time doing things I wasn't good at and didn’t have time to go to school again for mechanical engineering. After turning 30, I was busier than ever – working nights and weekends in addition to carrying a lot of responsibility for those around me. Every week I was delivering on project deadlines, working 10+ hour days and meeting with my team to plan objectives and create new processes. I had an endless pile of work and no extra time. When I reflected on my work, I wanted to see bigger changes in the world around me, both in my personal network and my greater community. 

I quickly started to realize the lack of imagination in my work to impact material reality of my people, like access to affordable housing and nutritious food.

I was so frustrated because I couldn’t do anything to solve these kinds of problems, and I didn’t want to say it's somebody else's job to do it!
I didn’t feel fully capable of building up my community. Worst of all, I didn’t feel confident in my ability to make things different. I felt like even though I was successful in my professional life, I couldn’t figure out how to upgrade my community's quality of life. I desperately wanted my skill set for creating systems to translate to the material conditions of the people around me.

This isn't the society I imagine for my kids! Something needed to change! With my life, I didn’t have years to spend studying Physics textbooks or technical engineering manuals every day. So I started learning from real-world experimenters and documenting their insights and knowledge. 
I collaborated and helped make an accessible curriculum, tested it with other hardware newbies, and made real-world products to support my community. I developed detailed, delightfully instructive tool-building walkthroughs. Everything I dared to dream became so in-reach, I felt like I was skipping years of study to think like an engineer. To my surprise, my ability to design real-world objects developed faster than I could imagine.

I’ll Send You 1 Tool-building Walkthrough Now

Get started on building your first 3d printer. Grab the free book, ”1 Open-source 3D Printer to Seed 7 Industrial Tools.”

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