Nail down your Facebook ads targeting once and for all

Take a peek inside the exact strategy top Facebook ads experts are using to come up with the perfect targeting every time (and charge thousands for it).

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“With Olivia's help, I got a 0.8$ cost per optin from a cold audience, in one of the most competitive markets out there, where most people pay 5 times more!”
Deepshikha Sairam
Instagram expert
”Olivia helped me target the right people with my Facebook ads, get my first 1,000 subscribers in one month, launch my program and make 3,500$ in one day.”
Willow Bradner
The Entrepreneur's Psychic

In this free live workshop I will share how a Facebook ads expert identifies the right audience to target for every campaign.

NOVEMBER 5th, 10 am EST (replay available to those who sign up)

"Senator, we run ads", said Mark Zuckenberg trying his best to hide his smile. It seems that the Senator was unaware of the fact that Facebook reaches more than 2 billion users worldwide.

What does this mean for you?

It simply means that, if done properly, Facebook ads are amazing for any type of business: small or big, offline or online, in any niche possible.

If your audience is on Facebook, and chances are you can find your audiences among those +2 billion users, ads can be a gold mine.

But if you don't know what you are doing, you will end up spending money (and please know that Facebook likes your money, they like it very much!) without getting much in return.

And getting the targeting part right is one of those things about ads that seem more and more like "hit and miss."

But please know this: if you don't nail down down your targeting, you are just throwing spaghetti to a wall, hoping a few of them will stick.

I decided that I will hold a one-time live training, where I will share the exact process I use to nail down the right audiences to target for every new project.

This method works especially well if you are just starting out with ads.

Interested? Then all you have to do is to sign up below.

Reserve your spot to this live training

Get started with Facebook ads, the right way!

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